If you download any page, all of the details will be the same, so don't be confused about different types of page styles. Suppose you have made a IGNOU Solved Assignment then it's all the details on the forms will be the same, as all the details were given and approved by all regional centers. Now let's talk about how you can fill it. So please read it carefully. First, you are told about the term and exam assignment submission, that is, which exam assignment are you going to submit? Write about that session here. For example, if you are going to do it for June 2023, then here you have to write June 2023; if you are submitting for December 2023, then here you will have to write December 2023 in this box given; you will have to write your enrollment number, whatever your name is, here in capital letters; and whatever address you live at now, you will have to write it here. You have to write your full address in capital letters, and it should be permanent. Here you have to write your program title and code.
If you do not know your code, you can check it out on your IGNOU ID card. Next, you have to write the course title, and where will you get the title of the course? If you see your assignment, you can see the subject name, like English in Daily Life (BEGLA-135). So write down your course name on it. Then write down the Course code. Next is Regional Centre Name and Code, and where you will get it? Log in to the Student management portal there you will get all these details through it. Then you need to submit your mobile number that is in working condition. Following that, provide your email address in order to receive important information. Date of Submission: Write down the date of the day you are submitting your IGNOU Handwritten Assignment. sign on (the student's signature). The next task is to get the printout and fill in all the details with a black or blue pen. You have to do the same detailing for each assignment. Now just go to the study centre and submit these there.